Fantastiškai nuostabus ir gražus stalo žaidimas, kurį žino jau beveik visas pasaulis. Patiks kaip pradedantiesiems, taip ir rimtiems žaidėjams. Puikiai tinka žaisti su šeima ir vaikais.
Century: Golem Edition
Century: Golem Edition is a re-themed version of Century: Spice Road set in the world of Caravania. In Century: Golem Edition, players are caravan leaders who travel the famed golem road to deliver crystals to the far reaches of the world.
Century: Golem Edition | Tesera
Century: Golem Edition is a re-themed version of Century: Spice Road set in the world of Caravania. In Century: Golem Edition, players are caravan leaders who travel the famed golem road to deliver crystals to the far reaches of the world.
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