Supaprastinta žaidimo Snowdonia versija su kortomis dviem žaidėjams. Asmeniškai žaidimas labai patiko, nes turi gan giliai integruotą tematiką ir įdomių mechanikų. Nesudėtingas, bet ir labai paprastu nepavadinčiau. Puikiai tinka valandėlei atsipalaiduoti.
Plague Inc.: The Board Game
The men who built the railways arrived with sound boots and got their shovels on credit; they were issued tickets, in payment for their work, which could be spent at the Tommy Shop or (more likely) on beer! As a ganger, or foreman, you are responsible for your own team of navvies as they travel through Mid and North Wales: digging the track beds, laying the rails, and occasionally helping a passenger or two along their way.
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