Rococo: Deluxe Edition – Naujai perdarytas ir patobulintas puikus strateginis žaidimas. Žaidimo leidėjas – Eagle-Gryphon Games, jų produktai pasižymi gan aukšta kaina, bet ir labai aukštos kokybės komponentais.
Rococo: Deluxe Edition
In Rococo: Deluxe Edition, you are the owner of a distinguished tailoring business endeavoring to increase your prestige. Each turn, you play an employee card that allows you to perform a task, such as hiring a new employee for your staff, tailoring exquisite gowns and frock coats to rent or sell, or funding some of the many decorations. However, employees are not always able to perform all tasks, so you must plan carefully how you direct them, especially as each employee grants a unique bonus — including some that generate prestige.
Paulius Petroliunas (įsigijo produktą) –